Monday, April 11, 2011

Yoga. A 5,000 Year Old Tradition That Continues to Surprise.

At one time, yoga was considered a practice for people into new age philosophy. Today, taking a yoga class is main stream. Individuals from all walks of life, young and old, are making yoga a part of their daily lives. Perhaps this has to do with the numerous physical and mental health benefits one gains from this ancient practice.

The goal of yoga, which literally means “to unite” is to balance the mind, body, and spirit through a series of different “asana” or poses along with special breathing techniques. A regular yoga practice will help to develop greater strength, flexibility and balance, improve your posture, increase the range of motion in your joints and improve concentration. Medical studies have also stated that the stress level reduction that comes along with a regular yoga practice may reduce many IRS-related risk factors for cardio vascular disease.

These are all great physical benefits of yoga, but what about the mental and spiritual benefits we have heard so much about? Well, it should not come as a surprise that studies are now being done on using yoga as a treatment for depression. Individuals surveyed after a yoga class are happier and feel a greater spiritual connection to their God. The improved ability to concentrate also creates a more productive day.

So, are you ready to start incorporating yoga into your daily routine?

The University of Hawaii, Maui College Wellness Center offers daily yoga classes. Check their class schedule at:

More detailed information on the medical benefits of yoga can be found at:

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